Tuesday, February 26, 2008

sEkaLi LaGi!!

SEKALI LAGI.... once more?? emm..i've read the book and i feel really lucky having the oppurtunity to read it as its really inspiring...a person with similiar flaws like me
i. Inexperience and lack of connections
ii. Careless and not meticulous
iii. Lousy handwriting

can be that successful....

well...i havent finish the book yet and hoping i'lll get to finish it soon.. The book has make me realize something that is quite personal ...i'm A DREAMER..i like to think big...i can never imagine working 9-5 for living.. i want to be my own boss.. but before that i have to learn a lot of things.. i have to gain experience...i have to start from level 0...what i've learnt so far is to be a successful person we can never give up...all the difficulties that we'll face will make us stronger...
but can i make it? well....no pain no gain...to b continue

Monday, February 25, 2008

LOng..Long..LOnG time AGO.......

before we knew electricity....before we start using fridge..iron...phone..MOBILE
how was things done?
can u ever imagine?
well i think we are toO dependent on technologIES..
techology makes people lazier and hurt mother nature as well..
for me human should be independent...
why dont we create a program like khidmat negara with a twist...
2 months without any type of technology at all..
teach them to search and cook their own meal,....
make their own communication tools...
do farming,etc..
i would like to involve in this kind of activites...good for dieting maa...heheheh....
i feel this will benefit us...although it sounds like i'm being inspired by SURVIVOR
hehehe.... people might not agree but what the hell this is my blog and it called myownlogic not people logic so i may think or express whatever i want...huahuahua......

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

MoNey,MoNeY, mOnEy!!!!

emmm...i often ask myself how much money does people NEED? why people never satisfy when it comes to money matter and what will happen if money system had never been introduced??

emmm... a world without money...better or worse?
the plus point(for me) will be..they will be less robbers...less criminal cases that involve money and the range between rich and poor will be less wider....on the second thought..people might exchange goods but there is no guarantee that the goods will be safe from thieves,right?
and i dont think that all the goods will have the same values...so there will be rich and poor people as well.. so money does plays a important role in making our life easier and sistematic..

what bothering me is how people let the money control them...why they always feel that their money is not enough although they have more than they really need.... i hope i'll never become one of them...for me, whether we are rich or not is not depend on how much money we have but how much we feel is enough for us... so give it a thought and please post to this blog if you want to share your opinion or wnt to comment anything..

Monday, February 11, 2008


ASKUM n HI..........

first of all i want to apologize to evry1 who r going to read this..as i'm not a good writer and have no skills to create interesting sentences..but dont get me wrong..i'm not a boring person<in my opinion la..he2>..i think my life is quite interesthing..i hope this blog caould help me to improve my writing skills and could make me express myself better as i'm not good in both..thats all from now as i'm not ready and dont have any idea to express..hehe..c u later..