Monday, February 25, 2008

LOng..Long..LOnG time AGO.......

before we knew electricity....before we start using
how was things done?
can u ever imagine?
well i think we are toO dependent on technologIES..
techology makes people lazier and hurt mother nature as well..
for me human should be independent...
why dont we create a program like khidmat negara with a twist...
2 months without any type of technology at all..
teach them to search and cook their own meal,....
make their own communication tools...
do farming,etc..
i would like to involve in this kind of activites...good for dieting maa...heheheh....
i feel this will benefit us...although it sounds like i'm being inspired by SURVIVOR
hehehe.... people might not agree but what the hell this is my blog and it called myownlogic not people logic so i may think or express whatever i want...huahuahua......

1 comment:

eMMa said...

i like your idea!! boleh buat program tv. ;]